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Written for Bite (TH)

2049 words; characters belong to Bite; species belongs to wrigglingwyvern (FA)

Snow fell gently outside, as it always did. Husun watched the flakes flutter down from a window in the White Hive, standing just outside the meeting hall as other Vesperros passed them by. Communal mealtime had already started, but the dark-haired hunter was unsure about joining the congregation. Despite all the efforts made by those of the White Hive, they weren’t quite sure they belonged here.


Finally, after a few minutes of zoning out into the snowy landscape, Husun took a deep breath. If they were going to meet other hunters and improve their skills, they’d have to talk to the others regardless. There really was no time like the present.


When the seeder walked into the meeting hall, their eyes scanned the room for a potential conversation partner. They were looking for other hunters, Vesperros dressed in leather with carved bone blades, but…their eyes landed on a pink-haired Vesperro, sitting alone. By their body type, Husun would guess that they were a carrier, but that wasn’t why they were interested.


They were surprised that the other Vesperro was sitting alone, tucked in at a corner table with their eyes focused on the falling snow outside. Husun was surprised that someone else was as entranced by the landscape as they had been, and, well, they couldn’t help but notice how cute and small the carrier was. They’d fit perfectly under Husun’s arm…


There was no point over-thinking it. Husun approached with all of their usual confidence, sitting down across from their newest target.


“Hello. My name is Husun.” They thought they were starting strong, but the other Vesperro’s mouth quirked up in a confused smile. Did they not understand Husun’s words?


“M…my name is Mide?” They replied after a moment of silence, still sounding unsure. Husun noticed they were using a slightly different dialect than their own, and it took a moment for the seeder to understand their word for ‘name’.


“It’s good to meet you, Mide,” Husun replied, only a moment later than was truly appropriate. Mide smiled anyway, seeming more at ease. Perhaps they’d understood that sentence better.


“Is there something I can help you with…Husun?” The pink-haired Vesperro asked.


Their slightly confused tone made Husun realize they’d approached without a single conversational idea in mind. They huffed for a moment, eyes trailing down to the table, where they alighted on Mide’s seemingly forgotten meal.


“What are you eating?” Husun replied with another question, biting back their internal cringe response. They were better at conversation than this, surely!


“Ah…just some elk steak and sautéed mushrooms,” Mide responded, still smiling kindly. The carrier had recognized Husun as one of the newcomers to the White Hive, so perhaps they were just looking for meal recommendations. “The kitchen does an excellent job with the local elk hunters bring in! I’d highly recommend it, though they have other options as well!”


Husun blinked, surprised by Mide’s response. Surely, they didn’t think the hunter had approached because they didn’t know what to eat?


The seeder huffed and hemmed and hawed as they tried to come up with a response. Thankfully, or perhaps not, someone else stepped in to cover the awkward break in conversation.


Yisu was an interpreter within the White Hive. The layer had been a part of the team welcoming Husun and a few others to their new home, and as such, they tried to keep track of all the newcomers. When they’d entered the meeting hall, they had immediately noticed the hunter trying to interact with one of the architects of the Hive, Mide.


Yisu had watched for a few minutes, letting the two find their own way into a conversation. When it seemed to lapse into unsure silence, they made the decision to step in.


The layer slid into a seat beside Husun, smiling charmingly at the two of them. “Hello Husun, Mide. Are you two having a good time?” Without thinking about it, they repeated the message twice: once in Husun’s dialect, and once in Mide’s. It seemed to soothe both of them.


“Yes, of course, Yisu!” Mide smiled brightly, picking up a piece of mushroom on their two-pronged bone fork. “I was just explaining to Husun how delicious the meals in the White Hive are!”


Husun huffed again, looking at Yisu as one might look at any interruption of conversation. Yisu, in return, placed a hand on Husun’s shoulder, their thumb briefly brushing over the other Vesperro’s soft clothes. Their eyes, however, remained on Mide.


“Thank you so much for offering your help, sweet Mide. I’m sure it will help Husun here become more comfortable in their new home.”


Mide paused a moment, their smile fading just a little. They were just starting to realize the soft, flirtatious nature of Yisu and Husun’s interactions, and thought it unwise to stay here much longer. Thankfully, their meal was almost over anyway. Mide nodded politely to Yisu, taking a bit of their food while the other two looked at each other. Perhaps it was best to give up on the rest and give the other two their privacy.


“Well, I’m always happy to help!” Mide replied cheerfully. “But I have to get going, there’s a lot to do in the new sector of the Hive!” Without further ado, they scooped up the remains of their food and quickly excused themself, stepping out of the meeting hall shortly after.


What a pity, Mide thought with only a touch of dejection. Husun was very sweet, but I suppose Yisu is the better match. I hope they’re happy together!


Meanwhile, in the meeting hall, Husun and Yisu shared a look.


“Strange. I was trying to flirt with them, too. I thought they’d pick up on it.” Yisu commented, making Husun roll their eyes.


“I was doing fine until you showed up,” they complained, but Yisu laughed good-naturedly.


“Darling, they thought you were asking about the food,” The layer teased. Husun huffed again, but couldn’t deny the truth in the interpreter’s words. “But…perhaps if we work together, we can find a way into their heart?”


This caught Husun’s attention. They raised their red eyes to meet Yisu’s cerulean blues, then squinted.


“...perhaps,” was all they said.


* w *


A few days had passed since the awkward lunch conversation. Husun had gone out on another hunt in that time, returning triumphantly with a number of local catches. They’d just ventured out of their room for the first time when they were approached by Yisu, who slid up alongside them.


“Husun, dearheart, can I talk to you?” The interpreter smiled as pleasantly as ever. Still, Husun sighed.


They’d been hoping to look for Mide, to try their earlier conversation again. It hadn’t gone the way Husun had wanted or even expected, so they were eager to give it another shot. They’d be more straightforward this time, they thought, come out with what they meant to say immediately.


Still, it wasn’t the worst thing to be approached by the beautiful layer. Husun couldn’t deny the immediate pull they felt towards the taller Vesperro, and it was nice to get to speak to someone in their home dialect…


It was as if Yisu knew what Husun was thinking. At least as far as Mide was concerned.


“I’d like to go talk to Mide again. Perhaps we could work together to woo them?” The white-haired beauty suggested. Husun blinked in surprise but found themself nodding along with the plan.


“...I’d like that,” was their only response. As far as Husun was concerned, it was all they needed.


The two walked together towards the newest section of the White Hive, which was still under construction. As an interpreter, Yisu was allowed anywhere they pleased. As Yisu’s guest, so was Husun, so long as Yisu kept their arm looped around theirs.


It didn’t take long to find Mide, sitting alone on a bench on the edge of the construction area. They seemed to be daydreaming, but snapped to attention the moment Yisu and Husun sat down beside them - the hunter on one side and the interpreter on the other.


Husun took a breath, as they had the day of their first conversation, and looked Mide directly in their stunningly dark pink eyes.


“Mide, I like you,” the seeder said. They’d always aspired to be straightforward about their feelings, and this moment was no different.


To their surprise, Mide smiled brightly in return. “I like honey bees too!” They said cheerfully.


Husun blinked a few times, trying to process what they’d just heard. Behind Mide’s head, Yisu was clearly biting back a giggle. In truth, they were delighted by Mide’s innocence.


“Mide, honey…” Mide turned to Yisu as soon as they heard their name, still smiling. The taller Vesperro leaned in close to the little carrier, twisting a bit of their soft pink hair around one long, pale grey finger. “We both like you,” the interpreter murmured softly to their companion. They even dared to lean in closer still, pressing a soft kiss to Mide’s forehead.


Mide blushed, their eyes widening in surprise. Few, if any, Vesperros had treated them in such a way, so the forward nature of Yisu’s actions was a little shocking. The carrier wasn’t offended in the least, but…found themselves wishing for more. If only it had been meant differently…alas.


“Thank you, Yisu!” The architect responded kindly, smiling as sweetly as they knew how.


A moment later, a sharp whistle went up from the construction foreman, and Mide leaped to their feet. “Oh, I”m so sorry, I have to go back to work! Thank you for visiting!”


As Mide rushed off, Yisu and Husun shared another look. Husun looked frustrated, but Yisu seemed at peace.


“Don’t worry, lovely. They’ll get it.” Yisu soothed with another charming smile.


* w *


Mide went to their room alone that night. It had been a tiring day at work, and they were ready for a break. If only I had some company, they thought, frowning at the mycelia floor beneath their feet.


Husun and Yisu’s visits had been very nice, but they’d driven home a point Mide had not often considered before: the carrier was lonely. They craved affection, a soft pair of arms to fall into at the end of the day. Both Husun and Yisu were very sweet and very beautiful, and Mide would have loved to be involved with either of them — or better yet, both.


Mide flopped over onto their bed, considering their previous encounters with the hunter and interpreter.


We both like you, Yisu’s voice echoed in the architect’s head. Mide pouted. If only they’d meant it like…like…


Mide sat up with a start, eyes wide but seeing nothing. They were hearing the other Vesperro’s words again, as if for the first time.


Husun hadn’t said “I like honey bees,” — they’d said, “I like you.”


Yisu had followed it up with “We both like you,” but still, Mide had thought nothing of it!


No more of that, Mide thought with determination. The next time I see them, I’m going to show them that I like them too!


* w *


It was another few days before Mide caught the two together again. They were in the meeting hall, sitting at a corner table similar to the one they’d first met up at.


Husun sat across from Yisu, forgotten meals sitting in between them. Both Vesperros were leaned over the table, close to one another, speaking in hushed but intense voices. Mide couldn’t hear what they were saying, but that didn’t matter. They wanted to join the group, so they did.


The architect walked over with as much confidence as they could muster, sliding into a seat beside Husun and leaning into their side. They didn’t dare look up at the hunter, for fear that they’d see the blush on their face, but at least they could see Yisu smiling at them.


“Hello, sweetheart. How was your day?” They asked, and Mide smiled.


“It was good. Better now,” they replied, just as Husun slowly wrapped an arm around their shoulders, tucking them in closer to the seeder’s side.


Yisu chuckled softly. “Are you feeling comfortable there, Mide, darling?”


Mide closed their eyes, though they couldn’t stop their blushing.


“I’m comfortable as long as I’m with you two,” they said.

© 2022 by L. King. Created with

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